// If you're using a frameset and are not getting correct // referrers, please uncomment the following line: // pp_frames = true; var _cmgid = ""; var CMGproto = (window.location.protocol.indexOf("https:")==0) ? "https://" : "http://"; var CMGloc = CMGproto + "analytics.cmg.net/cmgtrax.php"; var CMGdlloc = CMGproto + "analytics.cmg.net/logclick.php"; var CMGvars = new Object(); // define some defaults if (CMG_showme == null) { var CMG_showme = "n"; } if (CMG_st == null) { var CMG_st = "img"; } //if (CMG_st == null) { var CMG_st = "js"; } // get the user agent name CMG_v = navigator.appName; // get the screen resolution CMG_c = 0; if (CMG_v != "Netscape") { CMG_c = screen.colorDepth; } else { CMG_c = screen.pixelDepth; } // get the screen size CMG_s = screen.width + "x" + screen.height; // get the document's title CMG_t = escape(document.title); // get the document's referrer var CMG_f = ""; // if pp_frames is true then try getting the framed referral (without error checking) if (typeof(pp_frames) != "undefined") { if (pp_frames) { CMG_f = top.document.referrer; } } // get the referral for non-multi-domained-framed sites using a Netscape browser if ((CMG_f == "") || (CMG_f == "[unknown origin]") || (CMG_f == "unknown") || (CMG_f == "undefined")) { if (document["parent"] != null) { // ACCESS ERROR HERE! if (parent["document"] != null) { if (parent.document["referrer"] != null) { if (typeof(parent.document) == "object") { CMG_f = parent.document.referrer; } } } } } // get the referral for the current document if a framed referral wasn't found if ((CMG_f == "") || (CMG_f == "[unknown origin]") || (CMG_f == "unknown") || (CMG_f == "undefined")) { if (document["referrer"] != null) { CMG_f = document.referrer; } } // convert all the unknown's into blank if ((CMG_f == "") || (CMG_f == "[unknown origin]") || (CMG_f == "unknown") || (CMG_f == "undefined")) { CMG_f = ""; } // escape the referral CMG_f = escape(CMG_f); function alturl (r) { document.pphLoggerImage.src = "http://analytics.cmg.net/images/pixel.gif" + r; return false; } function altJs (r) { document.open(); document.write("\"\""); document.close(); } function pageValue (name, value) { CMGvars[name] = value; } function cmgTrax () { // prepare data for logging var rr = "?id=" + _cmgid + "&referer=" + CMG_f + "&r=" + CMG_s + "&c=" + CMG_c + "&showme=" + CMG_showme + "&st=" + CMG_st + "&title=" + CMG_t; // adding logid if called by st='phpjs' if (jslogid == null) { var jslogid = 0; } else { rr = rr + "&jslogid=" + jslogid; } // $HTTP_REFERER problem with NS,... // Do it here before the CMGvars are added //if (CMG_v != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { r = r+"&url="+escape(document.URL); } rr = rr + "&url=" +escape(document.URL); // Send user defined values for (C in CMGvars) { if (CMGvars[C]) { rr = rr + "&CMG_" + C + "=" + escape(CMGvars[C]); } } // calling logger by JavaScript-tag if (CMG_st=='js') { document.open(); //document.write(""); //document.write(''); document.write(''); document.close(); } // calling webtraxs by IMG-tag else { rand = Math.round(1000*Math.random()); rr = rr + "&b=" + rand; //force the page to load the IMG //alert(CMGloc+rr); document.open(); //document.write("\"\""); //document.write(''); document.write(''); document.close(); } } function cmgClix (link) { var Url = (typeof link=="string")?link:link.href; // var r = "?id=" + _cmgid + "&url=" + escape(link.href) + "&r=" + CMG_s + "&c=" + CMG_c + "&showme=" + CMG_showme + "&st=" + CMG_st; var r = "?id=" + _cmgid + "&url=" + escape(Url) + "&r=" + CMG_s + "&c=" + CMG_c + "&showme=" + CMG_showme + "&st=" + CMG_st; // adding logid if called by st='phpjs' if (jslogid == null) { var jslogid = 0; } else { r = r + "&jslogid=" + jslogid; } var bug = new Image(); bug.src = CMGdlloc + r; }