var emailRegEx = new RegExp("^[\\w\\.-]+@(?:[\\w-]+\\.)*[\\w-]+\\.\\w+$"); String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/,""); } function getElement (obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") { return document.all ? document.all(obj) : document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(obj) : document.layers ? document.layers[obj] : null; } else { return obj; } } function getSelectedValue (box) { return (box.selectedIndex >= 0) ? box[box.selectedIndex].value : "" ; } function isValidEmail (email) { return emailRegEx.test(email); } function AGOnload () { initDHTMLAPI(); //alert(document.body); //alert("isCSS: " + isCSS + ", isW3C: " + isW3C + ", isIE4: " + isIE4 + ", isNN4: " + isNN4 + ", isIE6CSS: " + isIE6CSS); if (getElement('ri_box') && getElement('ri_content') && getElement('footercontainer')) { var riw = getObjectWidth('ri_box'); var rih = getObjectHeight('ri_box'); var ril = getOffsetLeft('ri_box'); var rit = getOffsetTop('ri_box'); var ric = getObjectHeight('ri_content'); //alert("RI Box: W = " + riw + ", H = " + rih + ", T = " + rit + ", C = " + ric); //alert("RI Box: L = " + ril + ", T = " + rit + ", H = " + rih); //alert("RI Content: H = " + ric); //var cl = getObjectLeft('footercontainer'); //var ct = getObjectTop('footercontainer'); var cl = getOffsetLeft('footercontainer'); var ct = getOffsetTop('footercontainer'); //alert("Footer Area: L = " + cl + ", T = " + ct); var newheight = ct - rit - rih + ric; //if (navigator.appName!="Netscape") if (navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") { newheight -= 5; } //alert("Newheight: " + newheight); getElement('ri_content').style.height=newheight+'px'; } } function validateSearch (form) { if ("") { alert("Please enter your zip code."); return false; } //if ([^0-9]/i)) { alert("Please enter your zip code."); return false; } if ([^0-9\-]/i)) { alert("Please enter your zip code."); return false; } return true; } function validateCitySearch (form) { if ("" ||"Enter City") { alert("Please enter your city."); return false; } if (form.state.selectedIndex==0) { alert("Please enter your state."); return false; } return true; } function validateQuery (form) { if (form.query.value=="" || form.query.value=="Search") { alert("Please enter a search term."); return false; } return true; } function validateEmailForm (form) { if ("") { alert("Please enter the recipient's email address."); return false; } var errs = 0; var addrs =","); for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++) { if (!isValidEmail(addrs[i].trim())) { errs++; } } if (errs) { alert("You have entered an invalid recipient email address"); return false; } if (form.from.value=="") { alert("Please enter your email address."); return false; } if (!isValidEmail(form.from.value)) { alert("You have entered an invalid From address"); return false; } return true; } function activateTab (tabnum, tabcount) { var v = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { curid = v[i].id; if (curid.indexOf("tab_") != -1) { curstate = curid.substring(4,5); curtab = curid.substring(5,6); if (curtab == tabnum) { v[i].className = (curstate=="m") ? 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